Keystone Reckoning Podcast

Hot Garbage Water on Newsmax and Black Market Horse Dewormer

February 02, 2022 The Keystone Reckoning Project

Join host Jesse White as he breaks down the latest news:

  • Congressional redistricting is part of a game of appellate court ping pong
  • State legislative redistricting should come into focus when the Legislative Redistrict Commission votes on final maps on Friday, February 4
  • Nazi-Barbie-in-Training Wendy Bell has a new gig on NewsMax
  • "Taste of Sicily" Anti-Vaxxer is under fire for helping a secret surgeon and a secret pharmacy sell "H" and "I" off-label 

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High, welcome to the Kuston reckoning podcast. I'm Yourhose Jesse wife, checking in on Wednesday February second, twenty twenty two, Have a few small things I wanted to hit today. Uh, they're all fairly interesting and fairly timely. Uh, the first to deal with redistricting, The seut twoe deal with just horrible human beings, so we'll get the dry stuff out of the way. First redistricting on the congressional redistricting, which is the one that has to be passed by both houses of the state legislature and signed off by the governor. Uh, obviously, they have not been able to figure that out. There've been a lot of competing proposals proposals out there. Uh, it was. Uh. It's currently in front of a Commonwealth court. judge. Uh. Judge Patricia Mccaula, Uh, To be noted to the Commonwealth Court as a very conservative court, and there the appellate court that deals with interoal litigation. They can be overridden by the State Supreme Court, and it looks as though that's what's probably going to happen here. Uh. it looked as though Judge Mccall of the Commonwealth Court was ready to move forward on the Uh. the redistricuting process That the Commonwealth court would basically draw the maps because they couldn't agree. Uh, she said that I, in her brief order on Monday that she was going to have something ready by Friday of this week. Uh, and it would include a change to the timeline for candidates to circulate nominated petitions. That process normally begins on February or fifteenth. It' becomingcle increasingly clear that that's not going to be met. So as that was happening, the State Supreme Court is lookings like they're going to step in and they're actually going to do what they did previously and do the congressional maps themselves. Now it's a huge difference. Commonwealth Court is a very conservative court, The state Supreme Court, very progressive court. It, night and day difference, so you know, A and, and evidence of that is shown by the fact that the map that was drawn by the State Supreme Court go into the twenty twenty race. Sh. I'm sorry, the twenty eighteen election cycle dramatically reshaped the the The States Congressional delegation, giving it a democratic majority. I, I think that most people can you know, can make the argument that it should at the very least be reflective of the state's performance. Uh, you know N statewide that you would be looking at at least a fifty fifty split, Uh, if not a slight democratic bet. But obviously the stakes here are huge, because the Uh. congressional map in Pennsylvania will go a long way, perhaps in determining the congressional results in the mid terms, Because you're talking about possibly flipping five, six, seven seats. The in different parties, that's a huge deal. So it, this is no small issue. It's going to be looked at, Uh, and the the date of the primary being important is obviously huge, because that impacts legislative races and everything else. It's all happens on the same day. Uh, although I, I think the argument could easily be made here that getting it done the right way is more important than rushing the primary. Uh. Republicans want the primary to happen, you know on schedule, because they want old maps where they wanted. They have this crazy plan where you would elect seventeen Congress, Ah, members of Congress at large statewide, Uh, which they keep talking about, but doesn't seem to have any basis in reality. so uh that uh, we kind of have this duling court issue going on. State Supreme Court obviously wins in any battle there, and it's something to keep an eye on on the other half of the Uh. The redistricting front on the state legislative maps, Uh, the ones that are uh, that are determined by the redistricting commission. That commission is meeting on the fourth of February, so they're meeting this Friday for a voting meeting, at which point they're going to present whatever changes were made to the preliminary plan, Uh, and the maps that they drew and then they will be voted on. the previous Senate maps were voted on five. zero. So I find it hard to believe that there are going to be any substantial changes or that the uh that it wouldn't be a fiveo decision again, Uh, one area to watch is Leehig County, Uh, there. there's a lot of uh. A lot of mumbling about what's going on up there. We've actually talked to previously announced candidate Mark Pinsley, Uh, there's there's a rift there with other democrats. Um. For issues that are, that's a topic for another day. But the point being, I don't know what's going to happen in that seat, Uh, with that state Senate seat and there's a lot of moving parts there, so that's something to keep an eye on, But for the most part don't expect a lot of changes in the set up that the House map. The House Republicans never go to agree to it, just out of principle. Uh, they may have gotten some a few things they wanted. There may be a few you know, swappy dues that take place within the chamber. Now that the preliminary maps have been seen and looked at by everybody, and that's not always a bad thing. Uh, To be perfectly honest, sometimes there you know, there's some common sense adjustments to get made to the map because the members know the districts better than anybody else. So it may be something that looked at on paper for the redistricuting commission, and then in once you sit down and and actually talk to the people that represent them. They say, Hey, these two communities really shouldn't be split or this should go this way or whatever. Usually those tend to be fairly common sense moves. So the way that' will work is that, Uh present. That vote will take place on Friday, Uh of that five member commission And then there's I believe, a thirty day I, and you know what, don't quote me on this. I should have looked it up. I. I believe there is still a period by which to file lawsuits or challenges, but it it looks as though the legislative districts will be set before the congressional districts, and it'll be about waiting for the congression districts to be solved to determine when petitions will start and when the primary will take place. So that's all of the redistricting fund, and we got all that out of the way. The Other two things that happened in the last day or so have to do with Ch, truly horrible human beings. Uh, and and I don't throw that around lightly, but in this case I think it's justified. Uh, I'm trying to decide which one I want to get to first 'cause I despised them both so much. Uh, All right, let's start with Wendy Bell, Wendy Bell. For those of you that don't know is A was a broadcaster at the A B C affiliate out of my homet town of Pittsburgh. She was like the you know, Miss Positivity, you know, basically like a walking live laugh, love sign, Uh for for all these years and then in twenty sixteen she kind of like fell off the deep end. Uh, there's a mass shooing in the neighborhood of Wk Wilkinsburg in the city. Uh, she started talking about the shooters being young black men that quote have multiple siblings from multiple fathers, and their mothers work multiple jobs, Because I don't even know where that comes from. Uh, then she posted on Facebook, praising a black servever to Pittsburgh restaurant who, quote hustled like nobody's business, and quote moved like a dancer with a satisfied smile on his face, Like if you can't read between those lines like that's a. I mean, that's the hell of a coming out party for a racist, right, I mean, that's like a. You know, you went from being this wonderfully positive, well liked, you know popular person who was, Uh, she's married, I believed to a surgeon. I mean she had a pretty sweet gig going O across the board, And then you know, all of a sudden, she just like went full blown racist. So they fired her from the T V gig. She sued for racial discrimination. Ironically, Uh, that settled. Uh, Nobody really knows for what, Then she ended up two years later on Katy K a M. which surprises me. not at all, because Katy K M is the home of some of the truly most sensationalistic garbage journalism slash talk radio. You're ever go to hear. Uh, and that's coming for personal experience. Um. you're dealing with people like Andy Sheen and Marty Griffin, just bad people, bad bad people. Um, you know they're They're going for cheap ratings. They don't care who they've ruined in the process. it's more about. you know. Uh, you know, breaking news at eleven, blah, blah blah. So Wendy Bell fit right in there, and this was obviously twenty eighteen. You're in peak Trump times and she just went all in right. She was magging it up and you know she's freedom and and the flag and all this crazy stuff. It was like she took her her Walking Live Laugh, love sign and then like dipped it in red, white and blue paint. And so she was doing this radio show and and it got so ridiculous that Uh, her daily show got canceleded and she got fired because she made a remark quote, that said that this is a. During the Uh, we were talking about protesters and vatalizing monuments and stuff like that, and she said that protesters vandalizing public monuments should be quote shot on sight. So you know you could see She was just going for shock value and it was so then after she got thrown off of Katy K, she started doing like, uh, you know, doing like Facebook shows and it. She just wouldn't stop. You know, Uh, she was at every rally. she was in every everything. so uh, it was widely assumed at the time, you know, almost like as a joke, but not as a joke. That she was auditioning for a spot on like Fox News and Slow and behold, Uh, it was announced yesterday that all she didn't quite make it to Fox News. She got on Fox News as like you know, crazy uncle, uh, newsmax you know, and I'm putting news the word news and air. quotes. uh, you know, and if you've ever, if you have newsmaxs on your cable system, you know, just take the plunge. Watch it for five minutes and your head will explode. Uh, you know they don't even p. You know as bad as Fox News is Los, Max doesn't even pretend to try to be news, I mean, and it's just like. Really. It's like Oh A and one American news like it's like low production values, and like it's It's just it's It would be funny if people didn't watch it and take it seriously. So in the release or in the in the articles that came out, Uh, the one I'm looking at is from the Els, C ledger, uh, from Uh, Scott Taaty, Uh, who writes for the Beaver County Times actually, and says that Wendy Bell Commonse will be airing four thirty p M, Saturdays, and three thirty p M on Sundays, and it will quote examine the daily news with a lively approach to national issues, so that ought to be fun, So you know, and and I've long maintained the I think the best three words to describe Wendy Bell. Or hot garbage water. I mean, she's just that terrible. Everything about her is that terrible and I, I, just she gives me pardonal freese. She just gives me deuce chills. like Y you? You listen to her and you feel like you need to just go like take six showers it with steel wool and just scrub the E. the evil off of you. Um, you know, and people like her dangerous, Because she's you know, she's slick and she plays that, Uh you, she plays into that dangerous, kind of. you know. I, I love America and I love Jesus, And and all by the way, let's do out the exact opposite of everything Jesus would do. You know that kind of a thing and you know, look, it's racism, but you know I, I have it in a uh, uh, you know. Im. I'm wearing an American flag Thirt and you know, So it's all good, you know, and I lo. look at my scrunchy. You know. it's a flag. And and so everything's fine. They have that kind of crap. So that's Weney Bell, the other one, and this is actually more of a developing story, and it's really entertaining. If you're if you're looking to really kind of stay entertained Is the crazy lady, And again, I'm like even putt crazy in Airqu, too, like this lady's nuts, Uh, from the place of the Taste of Sicily restaurant. So her name it's a. It's a Lemanon County. Uh, And her name. the woman's name is Christine Mason, So she's associated with this taste of Sicily, Me know a pizza place and I looked at the menu. Actually, it looks pretty damn good. but and it looks as though she's been like, You know, her family was like, Get the hell out of here. So she's you know. She makes it a point to say she's no longer associated with the restaurant Uh, tin palmara. However, she controls their Facebook page and has been using it to. She's like huge anti vaxs and all this crook, crazy crazy stuff. so she has been. She got kind of busted, not kind of bustage. She got busted, Uh, going on and saying uh, and basically telling people how to get hydra, hydroxy chloroquin, and I've remted prescribed by a surgeon and A, and then have it filled at a pharmacy. Now, Ironically, the pharmy is in Mechanicburg, Pennsylvania, which is like where I live. I, you know I personally live in Uh, right, you know, I' a Mechanksburg address, so this is like all happened in right in my backyard. Apparently, but she gets on there and tells people that there's this uh wyosing surgeon who she wouldn't name And then they and you can contact her. You can contact Christine Taylor, and then you can uh. you can get the H or the eye if she refers to it. That could save your life if you're sick. Her, quote, not mine, and you can get it tomorrow. quote, because it ships from Pennsylvania. So what she did was basically put together. I don't want to say a drug ring, but she's put together a ring that provides drugs to people and to be to be clear, Uh, you know a doctor could prescribe these drugs. They can prescribe them. you know, quote off label, which means not for their intended use, but for something else, And that happens all the time. you know. Y, you might need a. you know, a drug that has a A. A, a side effect or an impact that would help a condition you have, but wasn't necessarily developed for that purpose. A doctor can prescribe that to, and it's totally legit. This is a bit of a stretch because one of the things is that you know the physicians have a duty to prescribe drugs that are actually you know, legitimate, and will kind of hit what they're aiming at. And given the fact that every study in every you know a authority that's not wacko, has said, there is no reasonable evidence that shows that hydroxachloquin or Iv mectin are are useful and are effective in fighting coved. You know that that definitely puts that doctor on some shaky ground ethically. and I think that's probably a big part of why the doctor is not being named like my thought is. If W, if you have this thing, that's no big deal, but we can't tell you who the doctors. It can't tell you. the pharmacy is. Something's got to give, so it sounds like the surgeon is writing the scripts and the pharmacy is filling them now. The interesting thing is that the Uh, the restaurant is undervestigating by authorities and that there's also because this guy. this went viral. Her video viral and everybody's like, Wait a minute. This isn't necessarily a good idea. Um, and it says it. It seems as though the surgeon is named is Doctor Edith Del Mar Bear, And that seems to be Uh. And it's the Capstone Compounding pharmacy and Waamsoming Pennsylvania. That's what the the reporting seems to indicate. I have no personal knowledge of that or not. I. I don't know. but uh it. you know, these tick tok sleuthes who are really good at what they do. Um, there's a uh, the tik to uh at r, x zero r, C. I, s t, uh, They like track these these crazy anti vaxers down. And and you know, kind of bustom wide open and they, they've kind of done that here. So this has all been referred to. the. It was referred to the Uh County district attorney, who apparently is like good friends with Christine Taylor, And so there was a lot of concern that it was goingnna get swept under the rub. but I think it was so big. the district attorney has now. Uh, her name is Uh. Pierre Hess, Graraff is, Uh, has now pushed it up to the state Attorney General, which is pretty convenient for her. Um, so it'd be interesting to see if Attorney General Shapiro's office does something with it, or uh, you know what's what's go to happen. So that's what's going on, But I want to play a sound clip of from her uh, her thing yesterday, her from Christine Taylor's little her little Dia tribe, And it's like thirty seconds long, but it's so good. Um, because the ending is just Chef's kiss. So here this is Christine Taylor, talking about what's go to happen Now that everybody knows about her little scheme. Yeah, you hear that she wants prayers, because we all know there's nothing more important when something tragic happens than offering up thoughts and prayers. Okay, so in the crazy event that this woman gets bosted for doing what it looks like she did, I want everybody. We're going to get our prayer chains going. We're going to get our thoughts in one hand, are prayers in the other, and we are going to direct them towards poor Christine. Here's the Okay, joking aside. Here's the part. I don't get. Why is that or that her parents that own or her mom? I guess that owns Taste of Cistly. Why are they letting her drag this restaurant into this insanity? Especially if Christine, the daughter is no longer even there. Right. You've got this restaurant now being investigated for this like alleged, you know Drum trafficking ring, And I like I said it's it's not like they're dealing heroine in the parking lot. It's a know. It's a little more nuance than that, but why in the world? why not just create a Facebook page that is totally separate and you know you could call it Crazy ladies for crazy drug trade or whatever, whatever, I don't call whatever we want, But why does she still do it for the Taste of Sicily page? It makes absolutely no sense to me like I, I don't get it, I. I just not nothing about it makes a sense. And really, if you get a chance you, you really have to go on Facebook orver, and and look at her Because like she kind of looks exac. and I'm by no means trying to likehame her appearance. But like she call, if you didn't know anything, and just like listen to her and knew what she was up to and had to do, like a police sketch of, or a courtroom sketche, which she looked like. It's like almost exactly what you think it is. She's got this like massive rats nest of like black hair. That's just like. I don't think it's been washed in like months. It's just like all over the place. and just like she's just a hot mess. Um, but like it's gonna be fascinating to see what actually happens with her. But but and I'll wrap it up on this. It's really interesting because one of the bills that's in the State House that we actually have a blog up on Keystone Reckoning dot com about allowing doctors to prescribe I for metin off label without any penalty by fellow crazy woman State wrapped on Keifer, Is I, I had a source tell me it was due to run uh in out of the House of Representatives Health committee, Uh, very soon, So it feels like therere, you know, the The, The crazies are saying. Hey, we need to get this law moving to possibly protect us so we could continue doing what we're doing. But don't worry. we're not doing anything wrong right, so there's clearly something a foot there. Now this is a law that there is absolutely no way in the world the Governor Wolf would ever sign off on, And to be honest, I don't think the State Senate would take it up. Um, I mean, 'cause this is like way out there, Whacka do tinfoil hat stuff. And if you want to learn more about it, go to Kista Reckoning dot com under the blog, Uh, it I. it's called me Pennsylvanias, new hydroxy Chloa, queen, Um, It has to do with thnkeeer. so it's definitely something worth taking a look at, So those are some of the things that are going on today, Uh, I, I'm I'm making an effort to try to do a more regular podcast in a more uh, compressed time, Uh, we have a a, a big, uh, a big interview piece coming up in the next day or so. Uh, with a congressional candidate Alexandria Hunt, who's running in Uh, the Philadelphia area. Uh, who has Uh, come out and talked about being a former sex worker and lots of interesting things. I, I don't mean that to say, To try to define her be because I think that's dramatically unfair. Um, but she's she's basically, you know, launched her campaign via tit, and it's fascinating so I have a lot of. I'm looking forward asking her a lot of really interesting questions and I, I, really, um, I'm really fascinated by some of the things she has to say, so stay tuned for that and please. in the meantime we depend on donations from listeners and uh website readers. so please do us a favor if you are able to give. even if it's a ten dollar monthly recurring donation. It matters, Keystone, Reckony Dot Com smashed the donate button. Uh, also, please, Uh, if you like what you're hearing, go and give us a review on your podcast platform, Apple podcast, or wherever, Um, it helps push the podcast up. So until next time I'm Jesse White, this has been the Keyton Marketing podcast. Have a great day.

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